Willowbrook parent and community organizations

Parents/guardians, alumni and community members – are you looking for a way to get involved with and give back to Willowbrook?

There are several organizations you can join that benefit Willowbrook students. Below is general information about those groups.

District 88 Update Meetings
Throughout the school year, we will host District 88 Update Meetings to communicate and connect with parents/guardians and students. This is an opportunity to meet with administrators and Board of Education members to discuss the school year and future plans, as well as an opportunity to participate in a question-and-answer session. For more information, go to www.dupage88.net/UpdateMeetings

District 88 Foundation
The District 88 Foundation is a member of the Partnership for Inspired Education (PIE) Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization that serves public school students in District 88, Addison School District 4, District 45 and Salt Creek School District 48. Founded in 2009, PIE is designed to be the foundation that supports a long-term partnership with the community, businesses, schools and, most importantly, the children served. Funds raised by the foundations have been used to support District 88 students. For more information, go to www.dupage88.net/foundation.

Citizens Advisory Council (CAC)
The CAC is an organization comprised of appointed parents/guardians and citizens of the Willowbrook community, along with Board of Education members and the Principal. The group meets to discuss current issues prevalent in the high school, and members are liaisons between the community and the Board of Education to share community feedback, questions and suggestions. For more information, go to www.dupage88.net/CACDetails

Willowbrook Parent Organization (WPO)
The WPO is an organization for all parents/guardians of Willowbrook students. Our purpose is to serve as an educational and informational link between the school administration and Willowbrook parents/guardians – with a goal of strengthening our Willowbrook community. For more information, go to https://dupage88.net/site/page/3408.

Athletic Boosters
The Athletic Booster Club is supported and run by volunteers, who donate their time and talents to raise funds that support and enhance the girls and boys athletic program at Willowbrook. The Athletic Booster Club is in charge of concession stands, spirit wear and helping teams with funding that might be needed. For more information, go to https://www.dupage88.net/site/page/983.

Music Boosters
The Willowbrook Music Program offers Band, Orchestra, Choir, Piano and Guitar classes for students. The Music Booster Club is proud to support and assist the directors, students and the Music Department by providing receptions after concerts, sponsoring social activities, maintaining and distributing uniforms, assisting at musical functions and offering a number of scholarships and grants. The Music Booster Club strives to provide an open line of communication between the community, parents/guardians and the Music Department. For more information, go to https://wbhsmusicboosters.org/welcome.

The Adult Council on Theatre (ACT)
The Adult Council on Theatre (ACT) is a parent booster group that helps Willowbrook's theatre program. There are no meetings; instead, sign up for the job that works for you and your schedule – the time commitment is minimal! We always need help with concessions, donations, tech dinners and the box office. Sign up via this google form. We will then share sign-up sheets via e-mail at the beginning of every production (August, November and February). To join the ACT parent Remind group for text reminders, click here. The show's director will follow up with you as it gets closer to the day.  

Guidance Department Advisory Council
As part of a comprehensive school counseling program, the Willowbrook Guidance Department developed an Advisory Council, which is a representative group of stakeholders (parents/guardians, staff members, community members, administrators, students, etc.) selected to review and provide input on the school counseling program. A comprehensive school counseling program is driven by student data and based on standards in academic, career and personal/social development, and it promotes and enhances the learning process for all students. This group meets twice a year to review programming, data and goals. For more information, contact Willowbrook Director of Guidance Dana Whittaker at dwhittaker@dupage88.net.

Padres Unidos
These meetings are for Spanish-speaking parents/guardians, and presentations are conducted in Spanish. The meetings include informal interactive discussions and presentations that mirror other parent/guardian presentations provided at Willowbrook. For more information, contact Willowbrook Director of Deans Julio Del Real at jdelreal@dupage88.net.

Learning Services Parent Advisory
These meetings are designed for parents/guardians of students with special needs, to give them the tools to support their child in the most successful way possible. The goal is for parents/guardians to become more comfortable with their valuable role in the IEP process and to positively advocate for their child. This group also provides an opportunity to network with other parents/guardians. For more information, contact Willowbrook Learning Services Department Head Amy Peschke at apeschke@dupage88.net.

Parents of Black Scholars 88 (PBS88)
PBS88 is a dedicated community of District 88 parents committed to fostering a supportive and enriching educational environment for our black scholars. Our mission is to actively engage, empower and advocate for the success and well-being of our students, ensuring they have the tools and resources needed to thrive academically, socially and personally. Guided by unity, collaboration and cultural enrichment principles, PBS88 seeks to create a strong network that promotes open communication between parents, educators and students. For questions or more information, contact District 88 Student Success Coordinator VaLarie Humphrey at vhumphrey@dupage88.net.

* To view the meeting times/dates for the groups above, click on the Willowbrook school calendar link below.


For questions or more information about the above groups, contact Willowbrook at 630-530-3400.