Willowbrook senior presented with President’s Scholarship from Indiana State University

Top left and right: Willowbrook senior Samantha Worden (at right in both photos) is surprised with the President’s Scholarship from Indiana State University on Feb. 25. Lisa Winker (at left in both photos), Indiana State University Chicago Regional Admissions Coordinator, presented Worden with the award. Bottom: Worden (second from left) celebrates the good news with Winker (left) and her parents, as they hold up Indiana State University memorabilia.

On Feb. 25, Willowbrook senior Samantha Worden was presented with the President’s Scholarship from Indiana State University.

Worden was selected for that honor based on her academic achievement and performance during the university’s scholarship competition. The President’s Scholarship is a four-year renewable award, with the annual value of full in-state tuition and on-campus room and board. As a recipient, Worden also has the option to enroll in the university’s Honors College, which offers a core of classes and experiences designed to enrich and maximize the student’s education. The scholarship also includes a stipend to study abroad.

Willowbrook hosted a surprise celebration for Worden on Feb. 25, where she was welcomed by Lisa Winker, Indiana State University Chicago Regional Admissions Coordinator. She was joined by her family and Willowbrook staff and administrators as well.