Warrior Resource Center (WRC)

Coordinator: Tara Murphy

Department Phone: (630) 782-2863

Warrior Resource Center (WRC)

The Warrior Resource Center provides academic support with certified content teachers in our core subject areas to help students develop the skills necessary to meet success through teacher-facilitated academic support.

Specifically, the resource center provides opportunities for academic skill building, remediation, and the acquisition of executive functioning skills by developing organization, time management, and student advocacy skills.

The Warrior Resource Center is committed to providing a safe place for students to develop academic resilience while empowering students with the tools for creating their own pathways to academic success. Teachers in this learning environment will provide encouragement and resources to support academic and social emotional development.

How are students placed into this support?
Students are scheduled into this support during the school day. Students will be identified with our Student Services team (PPS) and through teacher referrals. 

What does academic support look like?

  • Teachers and the program coordinator will collaborate to develop a schedule to meet student academic needs through our progress monitoring structure.

  • Students will be assigned a content area teacher and move to each academic area as needed.

  • While working with teachers, students will receive direct support on academic work, projects, reading comprehension, academic vocabulary, executive functioning skills and/or test preparation.

  • Students will also receive accommodations and modifications as appropriate with collaboration from our Learning Services teachers within our program, IEP team and teachers. 
Name Phone Schedule Contact
Tara Murphy
Teacher, WRC Coordinator
(630) 782-2854 View Tara  Murphy schedule Contact Tara  Murphy