Willowbrook Art Department

The Willowbrook Art Department continues educating students with the appropriate skills to create art pieces in a variety of media that explore the expressive qualities of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. We adhere to the state standards to develop the language of the arts, understand how works of art are produced through creating them and appreciate the role of the arts in the past and present civilizations.

Assessment tools include rubrics, student feedback, classroom critiques and completed artwork. We emphasize building skill and craftsmanship with artistic techniques, as well as developing creative, imaginative and individual styles.

Art Department Links:

  1. Art Course Information
  2. Art Department Brochure 1
  3. Art Department Brochure 2


Name Phone Schedule Contact
Judy Degnan
Administrative Assistant
(630) 530-6078 View Judy Degnan schedule Contact Judy Degnan
Staff member John Epple photo
John Epple
Department Head
(630) 782-2811 View John Epple schedule Contact John Epple
Emma Taylor
(630) 782-2813 View Emma Taylor schedule Contact Emma Taylor