Willowbrook hosts its first posada to celebrate the holiday season

On Dec. 17, Willowbrook’s Ritmo Latino dance group hosted an event called la posada (Spanish for inn or lodging) to celebrate the holiday season.

According to https://dbg.org/history-of-la-posada, la posada “is a religious festival celebrated in Mexico that commemorates the journey Joseph and Mary made from Nazareth to Bethlehem in search of a safe place to stay where Mary could give birth to Jesus. The tradition is celebrated over multiple days between Dec. 16 and Christmas Eve and features a procession of carolers led by a small child dressed as an angel, as well as food, warm drinks and piñatas.”

Willowbrook’s posada featured refreshments of cookies and hot chocolate; stations for students to make piñatas, Flor de Nochebuena (poinsettia in English) and papel picado (a traditional Mexican decorative craft made by cutting elaborate designs into sheets of tissue paper); and a performance by the school’s Mariachi Club.

To view a photo gallery from the event, see the images above.