On Nov. 23, members of the Willowbrook Speech Team competed in a tournament at Romeoville High School, where they finished in 1st place out of 21 schools and were named as tournament champions!
To view a photo gallery from the event, see the images above.
Below are the team’s individual results.
Dramatic Interpretation: Senior Margaret Brennan, 1st place (tournament champion)
Extemporaneous Speaking: Freshman Shem Rodrigues, Finalist
Humorous Duet Acting: Senior Colton Emmert and sophomore Francesca Pack, Next-in 5th place; Senior Jason Nelson and junior Malachy Heneghan, Next-in 2nd place
Humorous Interpretation: Senior Jason Nelson, Next-in 5th place
Impromptu Speaking: Senior Margaret Brennan, 1st place (tournament champion); Sophomore Claire Brennan, Next-in 5th place
Original Comedy: Junior Suha Salman, 5th place; Senior Colton Emmert, Finalist
Original Oratory: Sophomore Madeleine Calvillo, Next-in 6th place; Sophomore Bridget Krigsholm, Next-in Finalist; Sophomore Alina Iqbal, 6th place
Prose Reading: Junior Malachy Heneghan, 6th place
Radio Speaking: Junior Suha Salman, Finalist