Willowbrook catering program receives Illinois Pork Producers Association Food Service Grant

The Willowbrook Career and Technical Education (CTE) Department recently received $250 through the Illinois Pork Producers Association (IPPA) Food Service Grant for the purchase of pork to be used in the school’s culinary courses.

Culinary students used the pork in a variety of recipes, including for a Villa Park Chamber of Commerce Luncheon on March 7.

According to the IPPA website, https://ilpork.com/, the purpose of the grant is to “educate students about pork production and cooking with pork the protein.” The application process included describing the intended use of pork in the classroom, activities related to cooking with pork, concepts learned, how they will be incorporated into the existing curriculum long term, and how student knowledge was assessed. For more information, go to https://tinyurl.com/k2rcnmef.

The capstone of Willowbrook’s culinary program is The Brook Catering Co., through which students enrolled in Culinary Arts 3 – Catering learn about event planning, scaling recipes, ordering groceries, figuring costs in a lab setting and working with clients to determine themes and menus. The course prepares students for careers in the food service industry, catering and nutrition/menu planning. Students earn dual credit, have an honors option and are certified ServSafe safety and sanitation managers. The Brook Catering Co. provides service for many events within the school, as well as throughout the community. For more information, go to https://dupage88.net/site/page/4256.