Willowbrook’s ASIA Club volunteers at Feed My Starving Children, celebrates Lunar New Year/Spring Festival holiday

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On Jan. 31, members of Willowbrook’s Asian Students in Action (ASIA) Club volunteered at Feed My Starving Children in Schaumburg. During that service event, they packed 125 boxes and 27,000 meals, which will help provide 74 children with a daily meal for a year.

Students also decorated one of the corridors at Willowbrook to celebrate the Lunar New Year/Spring Festival holiday. That event takes place from Feb. 10 to 24, and 2024 is the Year of the Dragon.

Examples of ways to observe the Lunar New Year include wearing red for good luck, eating noodles to represent long life and for parents to give red envelopes containing money to their children for prosperity. There also are Lion Dances and fireworks to bring joy and luck and to scare off evil spirits.

The ASIA Club is designed to build the Asian community by bringing together the Asian students of Willowbrook and sharing/celebrating the variety of cultures of Asians that are represented at the school. For questions or more information, contact club adviser Eastman Tiu at etiu@dupage88.net.

District 88 has 51 languages and more than 30 countries represented among its families, and more than one-third of Willowbrook students speak more than one language. The district and school embrace that diversity as an asset and focus on advancing excellence for all pupils through cultivating an environment of inclusion and belonging, where all students feel safe, seen, heard, valued and respected.