Addison Trail Academic Success Center (ASC)

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides tutoring in a variety of subject areas during the school day. Its primary goal is to develop students who:

  • Are in control of their own learning
  • Set learning goals
  • Know how to use a variety of strategies to meet those goals
  • Can revise their plans to reach their goals effectively

The ASC staff is committed to empowering students with the tools for creating their own academic success.

ASC Hours
The ASC is open from 6:50 a.m. to 3:50 p.m. Students seeking academic assistance may either be assigned to the ASC in place of a regular study hall or visit on an as-needed basis. Computers are available for assistance with academic projects or skill development in reading comprehension, vocabulary or test prep.

Placement in the ASC is based on referrals from teachers, guidance staff, parents or students themselves. While the ASC is open to the entire student body, a priority is given to students who demonstrate need for additional academic support.

ASC Amenities

  • The ASC is overseen by certified content area teachers in English, science, math, literacy and learning services, with teacher aide support. Staff will provide:
  • Weekly grade checks and assistance with setting academic goals
  • Organizational checks and support in assignment management
  • Mini lessons on executive functioning skills and tutoring in content-area classes
  • Communication with parents, content-area teachers and guidance staff

Student Expectations

  • Students who participate positively and actively in their education will benefit directly; therefore, students are expected to:
  • Be engaged in academic pursuits from bell to bell
  • Work cooperatively and respectfully with ASC staff and other students
  • Be seated when the bell rings with the necessary books and supplies

Students will be reassigned to a regular study hall if they:

  • Are disruptive or disrespectful
  • Do not regularly use ASC assistance
  • Demonstrate academic competence through supporting standardized test scores and grades

The ASC staff is committed to empowering students with the tools for creating their own academic success.