Instructional Coaching

Addison Trail RTI

Addison Trail is committed to providing optimal learning conditions that support academic achievement for all students. Addison Trail implements the RtI framework with fidelity and has the potential for meeting this commitment through the development of a multi-tiered system of support. Addison Trail emphasizes the importance of the administrative team as instructional leaders, the use of data to guide instruction, appropriate intervention and practice, and parent involvement as necessary support systems for improving student learning.

How does RTI help Addison Trail High School students? 

How does RTI look in a high school setting?


Addison Trail offers the following support for students:

Tier I

Focus on classroom instruction including CRISS and other Best Practices.  Professional Leanring Comminuties (PLCs) work together to create district & course common assessment, and Fidelty of Instruction Cycles complete.

Use of Universal Screeners including: Explore, PLAN, Practice ACT, SDRT PLC Common Building and District Assessments in most departments to determine placements and student needs.


Tier II

Targeted Interventions including: 

Learning Support Centers

Math Center

Reading Interventions  

Writing Center

Co-taught classes across the content areas

PPS Teams

Second Helping (Peer Coaching)


Tier III  

Intensive Interventions and Comprehensive Evaluation including:

Weekly Student Support Teams


Credit Recovery Online learning Environments




Special Education courses depending upon area of identified disabilities