Addison Trail PBIS team hosts annual end-of-year barbecue

On May 27, the Addison Trail Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) team hosted its annual end-of-year barbecue.

The PBIS program was implemented in fall 2007 to teach students expected behaviors, rules and what it means to be a Blazer. The goal of the program is to develop a positive school climate through creating common language and standards.

The barbecue is a time to celebrate improved behaviors at Addison Trail and is an opportunity to communicate behavioral data for the year not only to the staff, but to the students as well. This year, the PBIS program helped lead to a decrease in referrals and recognized more than 5,550 acts of Blazer Pride with a personalized card and a cookie.

Staff, students and community members – including members of the Addison Fire Protection District – volunteered during the event. Administrators took to the grill and cooked up a tasty lunch for all participants.