Addison Trail to host International Fest Week and International Dance Show

From March 3 to 6, Addison Trail will celebrate International Fest Week.

Throughout the week, students will enjoy programs and presentations about cultures from throughout the world – including some presentations by their classmates.

And on March 6, about 150 students will take the stage for the International Dance Show. The event will begin at 7 p.m. and will feature 18 dances that represent 18 countries. Tickets cost $7 for adults, $5 for students and children, $3 with an Activity Pass and are free with a District 88 Senior Gold Card. For tickets or more information, contact International Dance Show co-sponsors Annette Severino ( or 630-458-4508) or Lily De La Torre ( or 630-458-4165). A portion of the proceeds from this year’s event will be donated to ChildrenUP, a charity that helps students in northern Uganda be advocates for their education.

“It never ceases to amaze me how unified the students become through participating in the International Dance Show,” De La Torre said. “They realize you don’t have to be from a certain country to show passion for a dance from that country. The diversity of the dances brings the students together and unifies them.”

Each piece has a student leader, who is in charge of the music, choreography and costumes for the dance. Seniors Gabriella Papas and Brandee Samlow are co-leaders of the Mongolian Traditional Dance and said the best part of the International Dance Show is it gets a lot of students involved and it showcases various traditions, which allows the dancers to learn about different cultures.

Junior Sangeetha Nair is the leader of the Indian Traditional Dance and has participated in that dance since her freshman year.

“I really enjoy representing my heritage,” Nair said. “I have been a dancer for 10 years, so I love performing on stage.”

She said what makes the International Dance Show unique is it features dances from different countries on one stage from the perspective of students.

“Audience members can expect a rocking performance from India,” Nair said with a smile.