Village of Addison recognizes Addison Trail Veterans Support Organization (ATVSO) and provides $900 donation to honor the group's efforts

During its Dec. 16 meeting, the Village of Addison recognized and celebrated members of the Addison Trail Veterans Support Organization (ATVSO) for their efforts in the community, including assisting with the village’s Veterans Day Ceremony.

Each year, the village selects a local charity and collects donations for that organization during its employee holiday luncheon. This year, funds benefitted the ATVSO, and the village presented group members with a $900 donation to honor their work. To watch the meeting, click on the video above. To view a photo gallery, see the images below.

Addison Trail seniors Natalia Loncar (ATVSO President) and Ava Ferri (ATVSO Vice President), along with fellow ATVSO students, thanked the village for its support. They also shared information about the ATVSO’s areas of focus and recent events, which include:

  • Hosting a Veterans Day assembly and luncheon at Addison Trail.

  • Participating in the Village of Addison’s Veterans Day Ceremony.

  • Helping the Addison VFW Post 7446.

  • Being part of the Ronald McDonald House Pop Tab program.

  • Collecting food and hygiene items for active members of the military.

  • Coordinating the Flags for Addison project, where community members can make a $50 donation to have a flag placed in the yard of their business or home. Flags are placed from sunup to sundown on Memorial Day, Flag Day, Fourth of July, Sept. 11 and Veterans Day.

For questions or more information, contact Addison Trail social studies teacher and ATVSO adviser LeVonne Cescolini-Boyer at or 630-628-3347.