Addison Trail Boys Bowling Team completes historic first full competitive season

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As the winter athletic season comes to a close at Addison Trail, one team in particular is celebrating wrapping up a historic year.

The Addison Trail Boys Bowling Team completed its first full competitive season, as the program went from a club at the school to being adopted by the district as an official Illinois High School Association (IHSA) sport because of interest/enrollment.

Highlights from the team’s first year include:

  • Regular-season record: 3-5

  • Highest-average bowler: Sophomore Cameron Garcia (179), followed by freshman Noa Leslie (170)

  • Other varsity team members are: Junior Jake Lee (Captain); sophomores Tyler Igelman and Andrew Melone; and seniors Aadi Patel and Bryan Alecksen

  • Garcia bowled a 1,061 six-game series during Regionals on Jan. 13 and advanced to Sectionals (where he competed on Jan. 20)

“This was a thrilling year expanding the boys bowling program into an official sport, and I am quite proud of how well we competed in only our first season,” said Steve Bruns, Addison Trail Boys Bowling Head Coach. “The team showed a lot of improvement, and with such a young nucleus leading our team, I am confident the improvement next year will be even greater.”