Addison Trail to host parent-teacher conferences

Addison Trail parents/guardians are encouraged to participate in the school’s annual conferences, where they will have the opportunity to meet with teachers, counselors, deans, administrators and other staff members to discuss their child’s progress and goals.

See the event details below.

What: Parent-teacher conferences

When: Noon to 7 p.m. on Oct. 14
* As a reminder, Oct. 14 is a nonattendance day for students.

Where: Conferences will take place online through Zoom (each meeting will be five minutes)

Registration information:

  • Directions to sign up for conferences were sent to Addison Trail families.

  • Registration for conferences will open at 9 a.m. on Oct. 4.

  • After the registration process is complete, the schedule will be sent to the parent/guardian e-mail on file and will include Zoom links and phone numbers to access those conferences.

For questions or more information: Call Addison Trail at 630-628-3300