Addison Trail names August recipient of 88's Best recognition

Left: Pictured is Addison Trail senior Emily Stevenson, who has been named as the school's August recipient of 88’s Best recognition for her outstanding academic accomplishments. Right: Stevenson (pictured at left in the third row from the top) is recognized as Addison Trail's August recipient of 88’s Best recognition during the District 88 Board of Education meeting on Aug. 24.

Emily Stevenson has been named as Addison Trail’s August recipient of 88’s Best recognition for her outstanding academic accomplishments. Stevenson, a senior, was recognized during the Aug. 24 District 88 Board of Education meeting. To listen to her 88’s Best presentation, click the audio file above.

As an eighth-grader, Stevenson walked into Addison Trail High School quiet and unassuming. She came every morning from her parochial school to take an advanced math class, and her kindness, heart, maturity and incredible academic ability have made a lasting impression ever since. Stevenson continues to thrive academically – she has taken 11 honors courses and 13 Advanced Placement (AP)/college-level courses during her high school career and has earned As in every single one to date.

“Having Stevenson in my AP Language class last year was an absolute pleasure,” said Jessica Clark, Addison Trail English teacher. “She went above and beyond for every assignment, even during E-learning in the spring. She was always engaged and prepared. The work Stevenson produced set the bar for all other students.”

Addison Trail social studies teacher Mark Olson agreed.

“Stevenson is the best of the best,” Olson said. “Do not be fooled by her quiet demeanor. Not only is she an amazing student, but she is a person of the highest character!”

During summer break after her freshman year, Stevenson taught herself the Spanish 2 curriculum, so she could take Spanish 3 Honors her sophomore year and be prepared to take both AP Spanish courses during her time at Addison Trail.

“I had the distinct honor to teach Stevenson for two years,” said Kathleen McColaugh, Addison Trail Spanish teacher. “From her stellar record, we are aware she has distinguished herself as a mature and responsible student, who sets high academic and personal goals for herself. As her rigorous schedule illustrates, Stevenson is a young woman of commitment and intelligence. However, more important than Stevenson’s intellect and dedication is her genuine desire to use her strengths to help others. Her altruism and genuine kindness is a defining characteristic, and Stevenson perseveres not only for her benefit, but instead with the hopes of helping others. It has been a privilege to know and teach Stevenson, and I look forward to seeing the AMAZING things I know she will do in the future.”

Stevenson said her parents and great academic foundation have helped her thrive, and she still connects with her grade-school teachers. Stevenson also finds the ties to her church as a huge part of her success. She credits multiple teachers at Addison Trail for helping her find her voice and supporting her when she felt overwhelmed.

Outside of the classroom, Stevenson has been involved in several extracurricular activities. She has played tennis and badminton all four years; she is a thespian and has participated in theatre all four years; and she has been a member of Choir, Shades of Blue, Tri-M (Modern Music Masters) Honor Society (where she serves as Recording Secretary), Math Team (where she qualified for the Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics State Math Contest this past May), National Honor Society (where she serves as President), Student Council, Pay It Forward and Blazer Ambassadors, and she will join the ATtribute yearbook staff this year. Stevenson has played handbells since she was 10 years old and also plays the piano and organ.

Stevenson is involved in giving back to her community as well. She is active in her Youth Group, which takes mission trips during the summer, and she enjoys helping Feed My Starving Children and an organization called Phil’s Friends, which provides care packages, cards and hope to those suffering from cancer.

Stevenson certainly has plans for her future. She has participated in virtual tours of colleges and universities throughout the U.S. Her top four choices are Purdue University, Arizona State University, University of Kentucky and The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

  • District 88 values the hard work and achievements of students and wants to make sure students are honored and recognized for their accomplishments. The District 88 Board of Education and administration created the 88’s Best award to highlight students’ success. That award recognizes nine Addison Trail and nine Willowbrook students each school year for reaching their personal best in various areas. Recipients are honored during a District 88 Board of Education meeting in one of the following areas: academics, highly improved performance, extracurricular activities, service work or performing arts/electives. They receive an 88’s Best glass sculpture and a certificate to a local restaurant.