
Director of Deans: Dr. Pedro Castro

Department Phone: (630) 628-3398

Addison Trail Dean - Treats for Blazers Plan

What is it?

  • PBIS Universal Acknowledgement Plan
  • Teachers nominate students for demonstrating Blazer Pride
  • Deans and Administrators hand-deliver a “treat” to nominated students on Fridays during class

How & why was it developed?

  • Developed by the AT PBIS Core Team & PBIS Student Leadership Team
  • Created based upon feedback from students & staff regarding current acknowledgement plans
  • Modeled after similar programs at other local PBIS high schools

What are the advantages to this program?

  • Minimal time-commitment from teachers (e-mail)
  • Simple and cost-effective
  • Increased positive involvement from Deans and Administrators
  • Well-received by PBIS Student Leadership Team
  • More immediate recognition for students

So, what do I have to do?

  • It’s easy – just one step!
    • E-mail student name(s) and why student(s) exemplifies Blazer Pride to PBIS Internal Coach, Erica Craig, by Wednesday of each week.
  • That’s it - we will take care of the rest! Nominated students will receive a hand-delivered treat from a Dean or an Administrator on Friday with a note explaining why they are receiving this recognition.

Can I nominate a staff member?

  • Yes! If a staff member exhibits Blazer Pride follow the same procedures listed above.

Any questions or thoughts?

  • Contact your Department PBIS Core Team Representative or Erica Craig:
  • Thank you for participating!