Science Department

Department Head: David Garcia

Department Phone: (630) 530-3966

Willowbrook Science Department

Summer coursework for AP science classes

The mission of the Science Department is to educate and develop informed and contributing members of society by creating systematic and logical problem solvers, who can evaluate scientific information and literature to make informed decisions.

Science sequence and electives: The link below describes the required science sequence for freshman, sophomore, and junior/senior year. For each year, it describes the courses available. Also within the slides are the science electives that students are able to take with descriptions. 

Willowbrook science sequence and courses

Name Phone Schedule Contact
Staff member Justine Bryers photo
Justine Bryers
(630) 782-3067 View Justine Bryers schedule Contact Justine Bryers
Madison Cosman
(630) 782-3075 View Madison Cosman schedule Contact Madison Cosman
Staff member Ben Fenske photo
Ben Fenske
(630) 782-3069 View Ben Fenske schedule Contact Ben Fenske
Staff member David Garcia photo
David Garcia
Department Head
(630) 782-3081 View David Garcia schedule Contact David Garcia
Kelly Harrington
Teacher Aide
(630) 530-3966 View Kelly Harrington schedule Contact Kelly Harrington
Jacqueline Hartman
(630) 782-3084 View Jacqueline  Hartman schedule Contact Jacqueline  Hartman
Zachary Joiner
(630) 782-3098 View Zachary Joiner schedule Contact Zachary Joiner
Staff member James Kedvesh photo
James Kedvesh
(630) 782-3074 View James Kedvesh schedule Contact James Kedvesh
Vanessa Martinez
(630) 782-3076 View Vanessa Martinez schedule Contact Vanessa Martinez
Cynthia Ochoa
(630) 782-3079 View Cynthia  Ochoa schedule Contact Cynthia  Ochoa
Staff member Sara Phillips photo
Sara Phillips
(630) 782-3070 View Sara Phillips schedule Contact Sara Phillips
Suaad Rashid
(630) 782-3066 View Suaad Rashid schedule Contact Suaad Rashid
Staff member Brad Schmit photo
Brad Schmit
(630) 782-3083 View Brad Schmit schedule Contact Brad Schmit
Yusuf Shah
(630) 782-2812 View Yusuf Shah schedule Contact Yusuf Shah
Staff member Eastman Tiu photo
Eastman Tiu
(630) 782-3077 View Eastman Tiu schedule Contact Eastman Tiu
Staff member Marlene Valadez photo
Marlene Valadez
(630) 530-3998 View Marlene Valadez schedule Contact Marlene Valadez
Staff member Matthew Zaucha photo
Matthew Zaucha
(630) 782-3080 View Matthew Zaucha schedule Contact Matthew Zaucha