Willowbrook hosts annual Open House

On Sept. 4, Willowbrook students and parents/guardians attended the school’s annual Open House.

Participants were able to tour the building and learn about Willowbrook’s curriculum and clubs/activities.

"Open House is a great opportunity for us to showcase Willowbrook to our parents and community," said Willowbrook Assistant Principal Doug Wildes. "Having Open House in September allows us to enhance our communication with parents early in the school year and share all the great opportunities our students have by being a part of the Willowbrook community. The parents go through their student's schedule, tour the building, meet their student's teachers and receive specific course and curriculum expectations."

Willowbrook also invited local Realtors and potential homeowners to the Open House, so they could see the school firsthand and speak with parents/guardians, students, staff and administrators about Addison Trail and District 88.