Willowbrook social worker wins Those Who Excel award from Illinois State Board of Education

Willowbrook social worker Erik Engel has received an Award of Merit from the 2014-15 Those Who Excel education awards program, hosted by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE).

The Those Who Excel program annually recognizes and honors people who have made outstanding contributions to public and nonpublic elementary and secondary education. A selection committee comprised of representatives of statewide education organizations evaluates and judges the nominations. Three levels of awards are given (Award of Excellence, Award of Merit and Award of Recognition), and Engel received an Award of Merit in the student support personnel category.

“Engel is a true example of what it means to be a Willowbrook Warrior,” said Dan Krause, Principal of Willowbrook. “The impact he has made on the school and in the lives of our students will be remembered for years to come.”

Engel recognized a need to reach out to the black male students at Willowbrook, so he organized a potluck dinner and workshop for those students and their parents last year. Engel also sponsors the Innovative Young Achieving Mens group (I.Y.A.M.), which engages black male students in positive behaviors and activities. To reach out to low-income students at Willowbrook, Engel facilitated a community Thanksgiving potluck dinner last year. Giving back to others is a cornerstone of pride at Willowbrook, and Engel truly embodies that value. He sponsors the Interact Club, and members of that group give back to the community through helping at a local shelter and cleaning up area parks and creeks.

One of Engel’s biggest accomplishments was directing a version of Disney’s “High School Musical Jr.” last year that featured students with special needs from Willowbrook and Addison Trail, along with their fellow classmates. That performance received an Interagency Committee on Employees with Disabilities (ICED) 2014 Media Award.

For all of his efforts and commitment to Willowbrook, Engel received a Distinguished Service Award from the Illinois Chapter of the National School Public Relations Association (INSPRA) last year, which is a program that honors deserving education staff and supporters of local school districts for their efforts to support public education and for enhancing the image of public education. Engel also received the Symetra Heroes in the Classroom award, which is a community program that recognizes 16 Chicago-area teachers during the Bears season for outstanding leadership and instructional skills.

“It’s humbling,” Engel said of all the awards. “I don’t do this for accolades or attention, so I’m honored to be recognized. But I give God all the glory."

Engel said he always knew he wanted to work with kids and valued education. As a child, he excelled in school and helped his mother manage the children she baby-sat. He had a knack for creatively and imaginatively working with children.

Engel received his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Northern Illinois University. He then enlisted in the United States Air Force to become an aeromedical service specialist and joined an Air Force Reserve unit after a year and a half of active duty. He was an Honor Flight member, a classroom leader and an honor student. Engel later went back to graduate school and received his master’s degree in art therapy. This is his sixth year with District 88.

“Engel has an amazing ability to connect and build rapport with anyone he meets,” said Cathy Bendicsen, Willowbrook Director of Guidance. “He truly sees the good in all and does a great job of helping to harness strengths and minimize weakness in others. He is compassionate and truly understands the importance of dignity and respect, no matter the situation or individual.”

Engel will be honored during the Those Who Excel banquet on Oct. 25 in Normal. For more information about the Those Who Excel program, go to http://www.isbe.net/those_who_excel.htm