District 88 shares information about recent and future facility updates

When driving past Addison Trail and Willowbrook recently, you might have noticed the stadium fields at the schools have received a fresh new look.

During its meeting on Dec. 11, 2023, the District 88 Board of Education approved the administration’s recommendation to update the turf on those fields. The previous turf had been in place for 14 years and outlasted its expected use, in part because of high-quality maintenance by the district’s Buildings and Grounds staff.

In partnership with Turfix, the district completes semiannual testing of the fields and uses the threshold/standards set by the American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM). The district recently incorporated the recommendations set forth by the Synthetic Turf Council, which, after reviewing the fall testing numbers, determined it would be best to replace the turf.

The District 88 Board of Education and administration are focused on being good stewards of the environment and selected ecofriendly materials – IRONTURF and Brock ShockPad, filled with BrockFILL. That fill is manufactured in the U.S., which also will help reduce costs. The district is working with Midwest Sport and Turf Systems, and the company (along with Brock) will test and groom the turf for the life of the fields. The updates were completed in a little less than a month and were a result of the partnership between the board, administration, Athletic Department and Buildings and Grounds Department.

Below are future facility updates:


  • Willowbrook girls PE locker replacement

  • Recoating seven roofs at Willowbrook

  • Upgrades to greenhouses at Addison Trail and Willowbrook

  • Culinary arts renovation at Addison Trail

  • 10-year health life safety / long-range facility plan


  • Addison Trail practice turf field replacement

  • Willowbrook auditorium catwalk and lighting upgrades

  • Willowbrook DLP renovations