Addison Trail provides resources, programming for Spanish-speaking parents

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On Feb. 13, Addison Trail hosted its monthly Padres Latinos en Acción meeting. Through that group, Spanish-speaking parents/guardians increase their knowledge of the school system to help their children achieve at the highest level. Topics include information on accessing college, financial aid, rigorous academic programming, social-emotional concerns and community issues.

The featured speaker was Sandy López, Director of the Undocumented Student Resource Center at Northern Illinois University. López discussed resources and pathways to postsecondary success for students with undocumented status.

State Rep. Norma Hernandez also visited with the group. She shared her personal experiences and story as a source of inspiration, guidance and hope.

Connect with Padres Latinos en Acción on Facebook (Addison Trail - Padres latinos en acción) and on X/Twitter (@ATpadreslatinos).