Pictured is District 88 Superintendent Dr. Scott Helton.
For about the last seven weeks, we’ve met with multiple District 88 stakeholder groups as we update our Strategic Plan to retool and enhance the district’s existing 2010 plan.
We’ve heard from more than 400 people (staff, parents/guardians, students and community members) through this process, and it has been a tremendous opportunity to have great conversation about the future direction of our schools. I would like to personally thank all those who attended our Strategic Plan Focus Groups, and we will use the feedback, input and data gathered to ensure our Strategic Plan continues to guide us in accomplishing our mission of working for the continuous improvement of student achievement. Stay tuned, as we will share information about the updates that will be made to the District 88 Strategic Plan. For more details, go to www.dupage88.net/StrategicPlan2018.
When looking at District 88’s current Strategic Plan from 2010, our Board of Education, administration and stakeholders knew the value of including multiple measures to ensure student growth and achievement. As a result, our vision and goals are very much aligned with the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which was implemented this year for the first time and is reflected on the Illinois School Report Card that was released on Oct. 30.
In 2015, the ESSA was passed as a new education law that reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), the U.S. national education law and longstanding commitment to equal opportunity for all students. The previous version of the law was the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, which was enacted in 2002. For more information about the ESSA, go to www.dupage88.net/StrategicPlan2018.
The image below shows District 88’s alignment to the ESSA (click to enlarge the image).
ESSA designation: The ESSA uses multiple measures (referred to as indicators) to evaluate schools. Each individual school (rather than the overall district) is rated on those indicators and then placed into one of four categories (referred to as designations). Those designations are:
We are proud to share Addison Trail and Willowbrook are rated as “Commendable Schools,” and we look forward to continuing to improve. We know this success is a reflection of our knowledgeable and dedicated Board of Education members, committed and passionate staff members, motivated and engaged students and involved and supportive parents/guardians and community members.
For the 2018 Illinois School Report Card, the following indicators were used to evaluate high schools.
Graduation rate: District 88’s 4-year, 5-year and 6-year graduation rates remain above the state level. For 2018, our 4-year graduation rate is 86.5 percent (compared to the state’s 85.4 percent), our 5-year graduation rate is 90.5 percent (compared to the state’s 87.6 percent) and our 6-year graduation rate is 91.0 percent (compared to the state’s 87.7 percent).
Freshmen on Track: District 88 also remains above the state level in terms of the number of freshmen who are on track to graduate from high school, and we have been above the state level since this measure was implemented. For 2018, 87.2 percent of our freshmen are on track (compared to the state’s 86.8 percent).
College enrollment: District 88 is above the state level with regard to the number of students who are enrolled in college 12 months and 16 months after graduating from high school. The 2018 report card reflects data from the class of 2016, and 79.7 percent of District 88 students from that class were enrolled in college 12 months after graduating (compared to the state’s 74.8 percent). And 80.1 percent of District 88 students were enrolled after 16 months (compared to the state’s 75.7 percent). Our focus is to prepare students for post-high school success, and these numbers show our pupils are achieving their goal of attending college. We are proud so many of our students are pursuing a college degree and furthering their education.
Advanced Placement, dual-credit and career certifications and extracurricular involvement:
SAT exam:
Chronic absenteeism: We know the importance of having students in school to ensure they are successful inside the classroom and beyond. Students who have 10 percent or more of excused and unexcused absences in the prior academic year are considered to have “chronic absenteeism.” For 2018, nearly 80 percent of District 88 students didn’t fall into this category (meaning they were not chronically absent), and we appreciate the dedication and commitment of our pupils and their parents/guardians to ensure they attend school.
To see the complete Illinois School Report Cards for District 88 and its two high schools (Addison Trail and Willowbrook), go to www.illinoisreportcard.com.
Our focus will remain on developing the whole student and providing a comprehensive educational experience to grow each individual. Thank you for your support of District 88.
Scott J. Helton, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools, DuPage High School District 88