District 88 shares important information about Senate Bill 1

Earlier this school year, District 88 shared information about Senate Bill 16, which would have made sweeping changes in how the state funds education.

That bill did not pass, and we appreciate your support. However, we would like to inform you about a new bill called Senate Bill 1, which is a reintroduced version of Senate Bill 16 that will change how school districts are funded by the state. Under Senate Bill 1, District 88 stands to lose $3.3 to $3.7 million annually. That reduction in the state’s already inadequate funding would put District 88’s high academic achievement, quality staff and excellent programs at risk. The impact of Senate Bill 1 in District 88 would be significant in the classrooms, as it would eliminate most of the limited state dollars available to support District 88 students.

“Senate Bill 1 would have an extremely negative impact on District 88,” said District 88 Superintendent Dr. Scott Helton. “We encourage parents/guardians and community members to voice their opinions against this bill. We’re proud District 88 provides a comprehensive education for all of our students, and we want to ensure that continues for years to come. Our mission is to work for the continuous improvement of student achievement, and Senate Bill 1 does not support that mission.”

If you are concerned about the impact this bill will have on District 88 and its feeder school districts, contact your Illinois Representative and voice your opinion. To look up and e-mail your legislators, go to http://www.ieanea.org/legislative/find-your-legislators. A sample letter can be found at https://dupage88.net/site/public/files/?item=2167.

For more information about Senate Bill 1, go to http://tinyurl.com/ne65vs3

Contact your legislator

Senate Bill 1 sample letter