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District 88 is thrilled to introduce a new communication piece – a video segment called “88 in 88.” These videos feature about 88 seconds of news and highlights from District 88 to share important information to help keep stakeholders connected with and informed about the district.
The newest “88 in 88” episode focuses on the district’s strategic plan and online data dashboard, which now reflects data from the 2023-24 school year. The updated plan was approved this past June, and the online dashboard displays the content of the plan visually – with statistics, charts and graphs.
The plan consists of three overarching areas of focus, or “pillars.” Each pillar has three goals, and each goal is measured by corresponding metrics. The updated strategic plan truly reflects the depth and breadth of the district’s work and serves as a living document that forms the foundation on which it operates, and District 88 invites stakeholders to check out the online dashboard to review data about the district.
To watch the segment, click on the video above.
Be sure to look for the next “88 in 88” segment on Dec. 20, which will share information about District 88’s commitment to providing multiple and flexible pathways for students to ensure they are college and career ready. As students prepare to select courses for first semester of the 2025-26 school year, the district will discuss the various classes and opportunities that are available.