District 88 shares highlights of 2023 Illinois Report Card

At District 88, we work each and every day to build positive futures for our students inside the classroom and beyond. The results of the 2023 Illinois Report Card, which were released by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) on Oct. 30, show the successes of District 88 and reflect the efforts of our Board of Education members, staff, students, parents/guardians and community members. The results were discussed during the Oct. 30 Board of Education meeting, and the presentation can be viewed above.

We are proud to offer students and families a comprehensive learning environment that provides multiple and flexible pathways for each student to achieve his or her goals. Read more at https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l0JpqnSaK_YafijXHCuU00nPb-aMeuzr/view?usp=sharing.

District 88 successes and Report Card highlights include:

  • Our 4-year, 5-year and 6-year graduation rates are above 90 percent and remain above the state level.

  • Our 9th Grade on Track number (which is the percentage of freshmen on track to graduate) is nearly 90 percent, which is above the state level.

To view the full report cards, go to https://www.illinoisreportcard.com. We look forward to continuing to work together to build futures for our students. Thank you for your support of District 88.