Tips to transition students from remote to hybrid learning

WMAR ABC2 News provides advice for parents/guardians to help students transition from remote to hybrid learning. According to the article, “‘It is worthwhile for parents to have a conversation with their children about what to expect when they go back to the classroom,’ said Dr. Annette Anderson, deputy director of Johns Hopkins Center for Safe and Healthy Schools.”

Dr. Anderson offers the following tips.

  • Talk about expectations: Discuss what students can expect to see and experience when they go back to class such as having to wear a mask all day and maintaining (up to) six feet between friends and teachers.

  • Address fears and concerns: Explain what COVID-19 is to kids, how it can spread and what can be done to prevent the spread such as wearing a mask, sanitizing hands and surfaces and maintaining social distancing.

  • Check in regularly: Dr. Anderson suggests giving kids an outlet, like artwork or a journal, to express how they are feeling or concerns they have about hybrid learning.

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