Student Services/Special Education

Director of Student Services: Alena Edwards

Department Phone: 630-530-6079

District 88 Student Services

Student Services

To view the Top 5 Transition Supports, click on the image or link below.

Support topics include:

  1. Prioritization for Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)
  2. Guardianship
  3. Social security
  4. Medicaid
  5. Financial planning

Top 5 Transition Supports

Homeless Student Information

DuPage High School District 88 welcomes all students who reside within its boundaries, or whom are otherwise eligible to attend its schools. Please refer to Board Policy 6:140 Education of Homeless Children for information about our commitment to students who are considered homeless.

District 88 uses the definitions of homelessness and addresses the educational rights of students who are homeless as set forth in the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act. Read more at

For questions or more information, contact Erica Craig (District 88 Assistant Superintendent for Student Programs and Services) at or 630-458-4542.

Special Education in District 88

The Special Education Departments in DuPage High School District 88 are committed to providing a comprehensive education to all identified students in accordance with their handicapping condition. It is believed that with appropriate curriculum and support services, all students can become life-long learners. Special Education has a critical responsibility to provide a structure that allows equal opportunities for all students, tailored to their individual needs. A major focus of each of the programs is to assist the students in developing needed skills including academics, self-advocacy, vocational and life skills to allow for a successful transition from school to adult life.

In compliance with IDEA and the "Rules and Regulations to Govern the Administration and Operation of Special Education," mandated by the Illinois State Board of Education, DuPage High School District 88 offers special education classes and services designed to meet the unique needs of students with the following handicapping conditions:

  • Visual Impairment
  • Specific Learning Disability
  • Hearing Impairment
  • Emotional Disability
  • Physical Impairment
  • Intellectual Disability
  • Speech/Language Impairment
  • Autism
  • Other Health Impairment

The DuPage High School District 88 staff strives to provide an appropriate special education program in the least restrictive environment. Working to comply with State Board of Education inclusion initiative (including transitional programming), materials are selected according to the student's functional ability and vary depending on program and year in school. Specific programs may be offered within District 88 or at other appropriate, approved sites. Special Education placement options in District 88 include the following:

  1. Placement in the General Education environment without supports.
  2. Placement in the General Education environment with supports (The District has drastically expanded Co-Teaching models across the curriculum.)
  3. Placement in a Special Education setting. District 88 has self contained programming on each campus for students with severe academic, behavioral, and cognitive needs. District 88 also offers transition services and programming for students up to age 22 (see details below).

    PA 102-72 (HB 40) amends Section 14-1.02 of the School Code, extending eligibility to the end of the regular school year for students whose 22nd birthday falls within a regular school term. “Regular school term” is defined in the guidance as the term that is specified in the regular school calendar as adopted by the student’s serving entity. It does not include extended school year (ESY).

  4. Placement in an “off campus” facility. District 88 partners with more than 50 different public and private facilities to ensure that the unique needs of District 88 students can be met.

As required by law, program placement is determined by the IEP team based on each student’s individual needs. Students can be placed full time or part time into any of the above programs without barriers to enrollment.

Appropriate District 88 staff participates on the Behavior Interventions Committee. This committee develops policies and procedures for students with disabilities who require behavioral interventions. This is in accordance with P.L. 89-191 and the guidelines set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education.

All students are expected to comply with the rules and regulations as stated in the Parent Student Handbook, which outlines the District 88 discipline policy. In specific circumstances where general policies are not sufficient /effective, an individual behavioral intervention plan may be developed.

Each year a copy of the procedural safeguards and rights for students with disabilities are furnished to all parents and/or guardians of students with disabilities receiving special education and related services. Additionally, all students and parents are notified concerning the District 88 policy on "Behavioral Interventions for Students with Disabilities."

Parents or students interested in knowing about the programs and specific classes available in District 88 should contact the Special Education Department Chair at the individual schools. Please click on each school to access their Special Education Department's website.

Willowbrook High School
Amy Peschke, Department Head

Addison Trail High School
Julie Johnson, Department Head

District 88
Alena Edwards,
Director of Learning Services

District 88
Erica Craig,
District 88 Assistant Superintendent for Student Programs and Services

Important notice

Students with disabilities may receive related services as part of their individual education programs (IEPs). DuPage High School District 88 will maintain related service logs that record the type and number of minutes of the related service(s) administered to such students. Copies of any related service logs will be available to parents/guardians at their child’s annual review IEP meeting. Parents/guardians of students with disabilities may also request copies of their child’s related service logs at any time.

RTO data related to school year 2023-2024

Name Phone Schedule Contact
Staff member Marla  Biesiada photo
Marla Biesiada
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
View Marla  Biesiada schedule Contact Marla  Biesiada
John Burns
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
View John Burns schedule Contact John Burns
Arba Cako
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
Contact Arba Cako
Staff member Candy Calderon photo
Candy Calderon
(630) 782-3115 View Candy Calderon schedule Contact Candy Calderon
Staff member Mike  Carlson photo
Mike Carlson
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
View Mike  Carlson schedule Contact Mike  Carlson
Staff member Erica Craig photo
Erica Craig
Assistant Superintendent for Student Programs and Services
(630) 458-4542 View Erica Craig schedule Contact Erica Craig
Stephanie Diaz
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
View Stephanie Diaz schedule Contact Stephanie Diaz
Staff member Alena Edwards photo
Alena Edwards
Director of Learning Services
(630) 530-6079 View Alena Edwards schedule Contact Alena Edwards
Olga Farrowe
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
View Olga Farrowe schedule Contact Olga Farrowe
Kathleen Fisher
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
View Kathleen Fisher schedule Contact Kathleen Fisher
Ana Hall
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
View Ana Hall schedule Contact Ana Hall
Staff member Devon  Harris photo
Devon Harris
District 88 Transition Program Teacher
(630) 458-4512 View Devon  Harris schedule Contact Devon  Harris
Mariana Jiminez
Teacher Aide
Contact Mariana Jiminez
Staff member Lori  LaBarbera photo
Lori LaBarbera
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
(630) 782-3113 View Lori  LaBarbera schedule Contact Lori  LaBarbera
Staff member Anila  Meleqi photo
Anila Meleqi
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
View Anila  Meleqi schedule Contact Anila  Meleqi
Sidney Montano
District 88 Transition Program
(630) 782-3112 View Sidney Montano schedule Contact Sidney Montano
Staff member Rachel Morris photo
Rachel Morris
IEP Coordinator
(630) 782-3105 View Rachel Morris schedule Contact Rachel Morris
Staff member Stephanie  Nitka  photo
Stephanie Nitka
Department Head
(630) 782-3110 View Stephanie  Nitka  schedule Contact Stephanie  Nitka
Liliana Ortiz
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Learning Services
(630) 530-6079 View Liliana  Ortiz schedule Contact Liliana  Ortiz
Staff member Christine Palumbo photo
Christine Palumbo
Psychologist (AT, WB and District 88 Transition Program)
(630) 628-3354 View Christine Palumbo schedule Contact Christine Palumbo
Staff member Christopher Perkins photo
Christopher Perkins
District 88 Transition Program Teacher
(630) 782-3104 View Christopher Perkins schedule Contact Christopher Perkins
Staff member Julie  Tyszkiewicz photo
Julie Tyszkiewicz
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
View Julie  Tyszkiewicz schedule Contact Julie  Tyszkiewicz
Fernando Villegas
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
Contact Fernando  Villegas
Donna Wheeler
District 88 Transition Program Vocational Aide
View Donna Wheeler schedule Contact Donna Wheeler
Jim White
District 88 Transition Program Teacher Aide
Contact Jim White
Amanda Wilson
District 88 Transition Program Teacher
(630) 782-2851 View Amanda  Wilson schedule Contact Amanda  Wilson