District 88 - Building Futures

Graduation Rate


Freshman on Track to Graduate


Enrollments in Early College Coursework


Extracurricular Participation Rate


Students Enrolled in a Career & Tech. Ed Course


Teachers with an Advanced Degree

(master's degree or higher)

District 88 shares important information regarding school on Tuesday, Jan. 21

At this time, school is scheduled to take place as normal on Tuesday, Jan. 21. Should this status change, we will share updated information as soon as possible. To view information regarding our weather-related school closings, go to www.dupage88.net/site/page/14394

En este momento, las clases están programadas para llevarse a cabo normalmente el martes 21 de enero. Si este estado cambia, compartiremos información actualizada lo antes posible. Para ver información sobre nuestros cierres de escuelas relacionados con el clima, visite www.dupage88.net/site/page/14394.